Summary screen player info caching error


New member
Steps to replicate:
  1. Play a match.
  2. Before the match is complete, press tab and mouse over a player to view their skills and items.
  3. As a match is ending, mouse over the area where a different player's portrait will be.
  4. Wait for summary screen to appear.
Expected result: Correct information will appear in summary screen for player that is moused over.

Actual outcome: Name of player and items are correct, but character and skills are of the player in step 2. This effect will persist until a different player portrait is moused over and the cache is presumably updated. If no player is moused over during a match, your selected heroes' portrait and skills are displayed instead.

post game cache error.PNG
Update: I am no longer certain how this is decided as I attempted to replicate and got Kelvin in a match without any Kelvins.
post game cache error 2.PNG