(Suggestion) Splitting Bebop


New member
This post is a summary of a conversation that happened on a different forum, I'm mostly just sharing it here to get more feedback on the concept.

Bebop feels like two different heroes smashed together-- a melee-based bomber, and a living laser beam. Each side of Bebop, on it's own, is good! But together they feel incongruent. As such, we're suggesting that Bebop be split into two Heroes: One focused on pure melee (or as 'pure melee' as possible, since every hero needs a gun) and one focused on lasers.

Melee Bebop:
Most of Bebop's kit is already melee-based, so Melee Bebop would just need a new melee-focused Ultimate to replace his Hyper Beam. If you wanted to fully remove lasers from Bebop's arsenal, then you could even swap out his arm cannon for a weaker, off-the-shelf gun like a revolver or pistol. In fact, since so much of pre-split Bebop remains in Melee Bebop, he should keep the design and name of current Bebop.

Laser Bebop:
Laser Bebop, on the other hand, has little to work with. He really only possesses an Ultimate ability and a laser-based primary weapon. However, there exists another robot character sitting unfinished in the files, 'Tokamak', that we can graft these onto. This character looks very similar to Bebop already, likely using an earlier version of his model as a base. This, paired with a few unused voicelines that imply Bebop has a 'brother', gives us a decent starting point to design a new identity for Laser Bebop.

Perhaps he could be Bebop's younger brother-- the Data to his Lore, for any Star Trek fans. While the original Bebop was created with the purpose of being a junkyard assistant, this sleeker, more refined model would've served the purpose of being a physical/medical assistant to help Miss Shelly as she grew older and her illness progressed. As an in-home medic, he's unfamilar with combat, and while he's equipped with a powerful laser, he struggles to hold his own in a fight. To fit with Bebop's musically-influenced name, this scrap golem could be named 'Newjack' or 'Lindy'. In addition, as a more-recent creation, he could have a more 'robotic' and simple personality to contrast Bebop, who has a more defined personality as a result of a life well-lived.

The unfinished 'Tokamak' hero we're using as a base already has a kit of laser/heat-based abilties, although two of these have been stolen by another in-development hero (Fathom's "Scalding Spray" and "Breach" were, respectively, Tokamak's "Hot Shot" and "Dying Star"), so we'll need to shuffle these around a bit. Since he'll be receiving Bebop's "Hyber Beam" ultimate, Tokamak's current ultimate, "Pulse Cannon", could be downgraded into a normal ability. With his new lore as a medical assistant, perhaps he can have some healing/buffing abilities as well.

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