Suggestion - lock camera movement (and/or obscure the view somehow) during game pause.


New member
Currently during game pause players can move their camera and scan their surroundings as normal. They should not be able to do that - it allows them to spot incoming gank that they did not suspect.

I've recently had a game during which I flanked my own duo lane as Abrams and was Shoulder Charging towards one opponent from behind. Normally it would likely connect - they weren't looking at me, didn't show signs they've noticed me and would be unlikely to dodge in time. Mid charge someone paused the game for 10+ seconds. Right after the unpause the enemy, still with their back facing me, double jumped to dodge me.

I'm not sure if locking the camera is the best solution to that problem, I simply hope for some kind of solution.

[Reddit link](I'm the OP)