Stuttering and Rubberbanding, errors in console


New member
Recently I have been experiencing stuttering and rubberbanding in game for 3-4 days, and it would persist through quitting and rejoining, and even rebooting the pc. The severity of it varies. It carries over through games too. One thing I noticed is that everytime stuttering happens the console is absolutely flooded with these warnings. I wonder what these mean? Not really that knowledgeable about this but does that mean there is some resources not being fetched and network desync happening? Do these have anything to do with what I am experiencing?

I managed to fix it temporarily today by uninstalling and then reinstalling the game. It went smooth for about 4-5 games in, and the problem came back. Same things are happening in the console (sometimes there are other logs as well, but all in pink and huge batches).
Would really appreciate if someone could share their insight.