Stuck in teleporter after jumping off in pre-match area


New member
Just had this happen in a game.

So I began searching for a match and tabbed out while waiting. When I tabbed back in, I was loaded into the pre-match area (where characters appear after a player connects). However, my sensitivity was crazy high, and clicking anything minimized the game. To fix this, I quickly closed and reopened my client. In the meantime, my friend paused the game for me.

Once I rejoined the match, the game was paused and I was still in the pre-match area. But everyone else was in the normal play area. After unpausing, I was able to freely move around the pre-match area. I tried the "suicide" and "unstuck" commands, but they did nothing. I the jumped off the edge of the building into the void, in hopes of dying and respawing.

I did die, but when I respawned, instead of being in my teams base, I was in the telepoter in the middle of yellow lane. I was able to jump, use abilities, etc. but could not do anything to leave the teleporter. Once again tried the "suicide" and "unstuck" commands, still nothing.

As expected, at the 10 minute mark the doors opened and I was able to leave. Game proceeded normally after that.

Pic of me in the teleporter:

same exact issue for me, was also Lash
match id 7434120
had to take the L (and a matchmaking penalty )and leave the match so everyone else could leave :`)
Same thing happened to my friend, he was playing Warden. His game crashed when loading into the map, upon reconnecting he is on the spawn roof, he jumps down and gets put in the teleporter. The enemy Infernus could fist him out, it seems the hitbox is big enough to get ppl out this way. Other wise they have to wait 10 mins and teleporters open.

Match id 7794805;
same issue, game crashed and when I came back I was on the spawn platform, jump off map and respawn stuck in teleport room. Doors don't open till 10:30. unstuck and suicide do not work.

Match id 6744619 start of game