Steam's own recording beta causes input lag?


New member
I enabled the recording feature and played a game but the game felt odd. I can't explain how but it feels a bit unresponsive when activated the recording feature. When using OBS it doesn't felt that way. (maybe because of the bitrate used 24bitrate for recording in steam) The video is fine but gameplay felt a bit odd. Does anyone felt the same?
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When game recording was enabled for me, there would occasionally be hiccups to my input every couple of minutes. It was like I was trying to move my mouse left quickly but in game felt like my hero was turning at a very slow, jittery rate. Disabling the steam recording beta fixed this for me.
When game recording was enabled for me, there would occasionally be hiccups to my input every couple of minutes. It was like I was trying to move my mouse left quickly but in game felt like my hero was turning at a very slow, jittery rate. Disabling the steam recording beta fixed this for me.
I've also experienced this with outplayed and seen some people have similar issues with OBS it seems recording the game causing issues for some people