Spirit Strike Upgrade


New member
Had this idea of a upgrade for Spirit Strike. Mainly for fun, because I love playing melee characters that knock things into the stratosphere. I know that this item would probably be seen as "counter productive" to the characters that already build melee items, but still knockback = fun.

Tier 4 Upgrade. so the total cost should be about 6800.

Upscaled melee damage to 20%, somewhere between a 200 spirit shield, 3 health regeneration and about 125 bonus health as for stats, nothing crazy just improves what it already does by a small amount.

Gives a new passive:
For a portion of the damage that you have taken in the past three-four seconds, your next heavy melee attack will be empowered with extra damage and knockback. The amount of knockback (speed/velocity and distance) is factored in by how much damage you took in that three-four second period. Does extra damage if the enemy that you knockback collides into a wall (based on speed/velocity of going into the wall). About the same cooldown as Spirit Strike, probably a bit longer to a 12 second CD window. Enemies cannot use stamina or movement based abilities while airborne from the knockback, (to prevent mitigation of the knockback itself)

Optional: Don't really care about this since the idea is funny knockback item, but if the enemy collides into a wall a small stun or interrupt could be applied if the item is a bit weak.

I also would like to bring up, but the more maximum health means the more potential the knockback has.
I think turning incoming damage taken into outgoing damage done is already kinda handled by return fire and berserker. I feel like if the knockback wasn't based on damage taken but something else, like distance travelled in the last 3 seconds it would be a better item. The idea of a knockback on melee sounds interesting though.