Spiders Georg


New member
It is a common misconception that the average person eats three spiders a year. The average person actually eats zero, Spiders Georg eats 10,000 per day and is a statistical outlier and shouldn't have been counted. That being said, eating all those spiders did grant him unique powers and he is more Spiders than man now. I don't think a man with spiderlike powers living in New York City has ever been done before, so this should be a fairly new and unique concept.

First ability: Web Shot - Fire a web projectile in the designated direction, upon hitting a unit or a surface it will splat into a large web that stays on the hit surface indefinitely, if it hits a unit directly they are dropped to the ground and the web is laid where they land. There is a max number of webs allowed to be deployed and the newest web will get rid of the oldest one. When Georg is in contact with his webs he may traverse them with complete freedom, meaning he can climb walls and stick to ceilings as long as there is a web there.

Second ability: Skitter Scatter - Spiders Georg disassembles from his approximately human form to become millions of small spiders skittering on the ground. While skittering, he has increased bullet and spirit resistance, can still use his abilities (but may not shoot or melee), can continue to traverse his webs, and enemies within the swarm take damage over time as long as they remain in the swarm. (this is basically like Mo and Krill burrow with different flavor)

Third ability: Venomous Strike (Passive) - Spiders Georg's melee strike leaves enemies poisoned, they take damage over time after being struck, with charged punches dealing even more damage over time. The upgrades to this ability could also revolve around making his melee better, like adding charge distance.

Fourth/ultimate ability: Cocoon - This is just ripped straight from HotS but it's a very cool effect! Spiders Georg targets an enemy with his webs, wrapping them up and banishing them. While banished, enemies cannot be healed, take damage, or otherwise take any actions. The cocoon itself has a set health pool that constantly degenerates (leading to a maximum duration, perhaps increased duration effects give it more health). Enemies can also deal damage to this cocoon (perhaps it is immune to either bullet or spirit damage, meaning the counterplay is a bit more specific), meaning the banishment may be ended early if reacted to.