Spent a few hours making an in depth hero concept, wanted to hear thoughts on it if anyone has any.


New member
(Keep in mind I'm not a great graphic artist so the ability icons are just Yamato's icons and the picture of Trelawny from RDR2 is mainly just a loosely based design concept I had in mind, a kind of 1950s confident magician.)
Magentius.pngDisappearing Act.png (Jack In The Bomb.pngSleight of Hand.pngSmoke and Mirrors.png
His numbers are insanely high and he is overloaded

His ult is a bigger buff then frenzy and his armour and spirit resist shred is the highest in the game.

He shouldn't have access to a slow nearly as good as kelvins because that is that characters identity and a fire rate slow with that for no gold is wild; yet he has two abilities that do both.
His numbers are insanely high and he is overloaded

His ult is a bigger buff then frenzy and his armour and spirit resist shred is the highest in the game.

He shouldn't have access to a slow nearly as good as kelvins because that is that characters identity and a fire rate slow with that for no gold is wild; yet he has two abilities that do both.
His base damage values aren't close to the highest in the game, 8 heroes have higher DPS and damage values than him.

Yamato also has 55% bullet and spirit resist on her ult and as a guy that mains her I can tell you its not nearly as strong as you think it is once you get mid game.

Yamato also has two abilities that apply movement slow, one for 30% and one for 40% so that's absolutley not a Kelvin thing. And Yamato coming in again, her crimson slash does 30% fire rate slow AND does 30% more after 1 ability point so that's also not nearly as strong as you think it is.
His base damage values aren't close to the highest in the game, 8 heroes have higher DPS and damage values than him.

Yamato also has 55% bullet and spirit resist on her ult and as a guy that mains her I can tell you its not nearly as strong as you think it is once you get mid game.

Yamato also has two abilities that apply movement slow, one for 30% and one for 40% so that's absolutley not a Kelvin thing. And Yamato coming in again, her crimson slash does 30% fire rate slow AND does 30% more after 1 ability point so that's also not nearly as strong as you think it is.
When referring to base damage values I am talking about the base damage on abilities; Obviously he is not an auto attack carry.

Yamato ult isn't used to tank damage its used to not die so that is not equivalent. also it only lasts 6.5s which isn't even close to lasting the 14 seconds you put on the ability; so yes the resists alone are too op but 40% attack speed? targets to eat cooldowns? +30% damage? Yes that is just insane frenzy on a full hp character with no risk, instead he gets more safety for an insanely long time.

Yamato 2 needs her to fully go and be choreographed to get her slow, being 55%; your characters 3 to juxtapose throws a box an indiscernible distance after a 3 second channel. it slows for 55% for 3s and heals him more than the melee ability Yamato(3) has 15% max vs Yamatos 10% while also having 10 more base. On top of how broken that sounds it is a aoe of 26 meters. Numbers are too high. Yamato has high numbers because she has to get into uncomfortable ranges to use her spells, your character doesn't seem to need to.

Now his 2; 30% movement speed is insane if you want to know how crazy it is then look at fleet, it gives 4m/s for 4 seconds on a 22s cooldown which feels insanely fast. This is if were sticking to Yamato a 50% movement speed increase for the average character much higher. So that number isn't really anything to run home about. Since he can get 7 stamina easily and obviously would enjoy it he can have 7 sections of invincibility, so for reference what gives invincibility and what are the cool downs? Ivys stone form which has a 20s cooldown with a duration of 2 seconds giving the queen 18s of between invulnerability; next is Pocket and his satchel it has a 16 second cooldown with 2 seconds of duration, so he has 14 seconds between invulnerability. Lastly is Yamato with shadow, 70s cooldown and a 7s invulnerability window giving her a between invulnerability of 63s.

So quick sandbox testing now and some information; 28s cooldown and with 3 dashes abrams gets around 2.3s of invuln with that ability while and mcginnis has 2.1s roughly of invuln (I picked these due to the difference in dash lengths and timings) This leads to a between invulnerability of lets say 26s. seems good but maybe not good so lets see what happens with items, for Seven I got 5.4s. this makes a 23s between invuln time. That is bad right? Well do some critical thinking and you can probably thing of why have 5.4s of invuln on demand 6 times is better then having it once with a long stun period. The reason why this would be problematic is because on top of having probably with expression by far the best invulv it would also have the insane upside of giving the best armour shred in the game, and bullet resist shredder is already a frankly broken item(carries build tesla just to use it)

There is a good reason why bullet resist shredding is insanely rare in heroes kits, it is insanely strong. When haze hits her 1 on you late game you blow up regardless of how you build. Frankly the only thing that can save you is reacive barrier. Bullet resist shredding removes counter play to carries and makes the game really hard to play; if you let a carry hit you when your armour shred you will just die unless you use metal skin. Armour shred is the only reason character like abrahms fall off, so it should not be base kit or they will just not play at any point in the game. On Haze its a 5 cost talent for a reason.

But dont worry the range is also 20m, 2m higher then torment pulse which would also apply 12% armour shred if you spend 4,250 gold with the same duration.

This characters kit is insanely over tuned and has too much in it. His base stats don't even matter but having 8m/s movement speed and 3 dashes means that he is pretty safe in lane and can farm faster if he decides to carry. Also be real 3 bullets per second at 20 damage is really good for someone who obviously is kitted with utility. It is not about making sure all his numbers are not the highest its about making a character that can function in the game and not make everyone upset when hes on the other team. It is about creating something that is balanceable and with an ability like his 2 and 4 he is not balanceable. Steroid abilities have never been balanceable in any moba ever and same with constant on demand invuln. This game has some dumb abilities but aside from 7 usually only 1 are on a character or maybe 2 in Pockets case. Don't make a character with 3 insane abilities and 1 with a crazy firerate slow. He would be crazy in any scenario you put him in short from singularity.

Also 160 base damage is too high and youll get another bebop scenario.
I like the concept and the numbers don't seem overtuned to me. The damage of Jack in the Bomb stands out, but it has a 3 second wind up time which I imagine you can hear him perform, as it would be funny to listen to the Weasel tune. It also has a 40 second cooldown which balances it out.

The only thing that raises an eyebrow to me is his second ability, which grants him invisibility while dashing. I don't know if I'm reading that right, but I think as it is, the game is designed around heroes only having access to partial invisibility, which is revealed when you get to close to other players. That is because the game doesn't have any conventional detection.

I am pointing this out, because it seems like you want to use this ability next to enemies to apply vulnerabilities, but maybe it can be a two coined ability where the invisibility portion can be used for engaging and disengaging and the vulnerbility portion can be used during combat. Maybe this ability needs charges to be good.

His numbers are insanely high and he is overloaded

Don't let negative feedback discourage you. Numbers are not that important when discussing concept, only design is.
I like the concept and the numbers don't seem overtuned to me. The damage of Jack in the Bomb stands out, but it has a 3 second wind up time which I imagine you can hear him perform, as it would be funny to listen to the Weasel tune. It also has a 40 second cooldown which balances it out.

The only thing that raises an eyebrow to me is his second ability, which grants him invisibility while dashing. I don't know if I'm reading that right, but I think as it is, the game is designed around heroes only having access to partial invisibility, which is revealed when you get to close to other players. That is because the game doesn't have any conventional detection.

I am pointing this out, because it seems like you want to use this ability next to enemies to apply vulnerabilities, but maybe it can be a two coined ability where the invisibility portion can be used for engaging and disengaging and the vulnerbility portion can be used during combat. Maybe this ability needs charges to be good.

Don't let negative feedback discourage you. Numbers are not that important when discussing concept, only design is.
For the roll thing its invincibility, not invisibility, like a dark souls roll. Would be primarily useful for dodging heavy hitting single attacks like say Abram's slam or Vindicta's assassinate. I thought about it a little more, and i think a good way to balance that out since it only works for the amount of max stamina owned would be to add a time limit to the amount of time you have to use an invinc roll. So that way, you cant just pop it and have 3 invinc dashes in your pocket for 5 minutes.
Don't let negative feedback discourage you. Numbers are not that important when discussing concept, only design is.
And thanks, im definitely not the most concerned over numbers and stats. I like designing stuff like this for fun, coming up with interesting characters and using some of my photoshop skills.
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This concept is lacking a cohesive theme, and at least one of the abilities is very boring mechanically. With the first ability, it would make sense if this character targeted an area of effect. It's very vague how it is now; but the design question on my mind is: why is this character trying to engage on enemies? He looks like a magician. None of his other abilities imply that this is an initiator. One thing you could do to improve this design is to have it affect an area on arrival and on departure; now it's an escape that hinders his enemies. That's heading in the right direction.

With the second ability, you have this very descriptive idea--it's a jack-in-the-box--but the ability itself doesn't give any indication that this thematically matters. The third ability seems like an ability more aligned with the kind of ability kit that an escape artist would have. I don't really mind it, but again, I think that you've got to work towards building a more cohesive theme so that each ability seems to have some kind of game plan in common. The ultimate doesn't help make this kit more cohesive, but I think in terms of how it could work mechanically, and what it represents thematically, that I like the ability the most. You have to be careful with how 'mirror image' spells work, because it's impossible to have them imitate a player; rather, you have to rely on the player being able to imitate a mirror image for it to be a seriously effective ability. Your presentation is very nice.
I thought about it a little more, and i think a good way to balance that out since it only works for the amount of max stamina owned would be to add a time limit to the amount of time you have to use an invinc roll. So that way, you cant just pop it and have 3 invinc dashes in your pocket for 5 minutes.
This would work a lot better for sure.