
Bullet Whisper - Bullets ricochet at a random nearby target. 3rd level makes it so the bullet can ricochet off the nearby walls back to the target.

Grappling Hook - Attaches the hero to a wall and keeps them perched for a duration/until cancelled/until taken damage like zipline.

Bouncing Glove - Summons a spirit glove that starts hitting a target and then jumps to a different target. At level 3, If there's no targets around it "bounces" on the same target.

Rain Down - Summons a number of projectiles that keep crashing in a selected area, dealing damage and slowing

Basically, a hero that thrives on stalking and isolating the target, perfect to counter Seven that farms for 30 minutes or Haze that runs around trying to get kills. Still useful in teamfight during late game, as bouncing abilities can clear waves/cripple other team.
Cool art! Now, you mention that the character thrives on isolating the target, but out of his 3 dmging abilities, 2 of them hit multiple enemies, and only hit once if theres no one nearby IE theyre already isolated (level 3 upgrades are "upgrades" so I dont really consider them as part of the kit, more so an addition that builds to improve the ability and perhaps allow different playstyles, but they're not supposed to make up the main bulk of that original playstyle) My suggestion would be a more clear contrast between his abilities and his ult, IE have the basic abilites thrive when there are multiple enemies around, while the ult thrives when there's only 1 enemy nearby. I think then you'd have a really cohesive and fun sound kit.