Spectating while queuing

I encountered a bug that led to a game abandon penalty.

I was spectating a game while I was in queue. Queue pops and then it takes me to a screen where I can "Resume" or "Leave Spectating".

I occasionally do spec while I queue so I've seen this a couple times but the results of hitting the "Leave Spectating" button appears to differ. Today after I pressed "Leave Spectating" it sent me directly to the home screen and I was not given an option to rejoin the game, it looked exactly as if I had just booted up the game. Sometimes it sends me directly into the newly started game when I press the "Leave Spectating" button after spectating during the queue.

I then queued up again after the above happened and spectated again while waiting. Queue popped and this time I pressed the "Resume" button. Once I joined the game it showed that someone had abandoned and there would be no penalty for leaving so I left as everyone else was also leaving. After this I was banned from matchmaking for 30 minutes.

I've seen other people mention this on the forum but wasn't able to see much discussion in discord from using the search bar. I didn't get a chance to capture any images of the process.