Spectating and Matchmaking Issue Leading to Unintended Match Leave and Temp Ban


New member
When attempting to spectate a friend's game, canceling the connection, and then immediately joining a match through matchmaking, I am kicked out of my match into my friend's game, resulting in an unintended match leave and a temp ban.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Click to spectate a friend's game.
  2. When the game says "Connecting...", click Cancel.
  3. Immediately click Find Match to start matchmaking.
  4. Join the match that is found.
  5. After joining the match, I am unexpectedly kicked back to my friend's game (the one I initially tried to spectate).
  6. I am removed from the match I joined and receive a ban for leaving the match.

Expected Result:

I should remain in the match I joined through matchmaking and should not be kicked into my friend's game or receive a temp ban.

Actual Result:

After canceling the spectate connection and joining a matchmaking game, I am forced into my friend's game, leading to a match leave and a temp ban.


This results in unfair match leaves and penalties, such as temporary bans.


  • Game Version: Build 5188
  • Region: NA