Sound bug leading into full UI shutdown after restart


New member
Match ID: 1031891
Time: Unsure, game is pushed off match history. Within 5-10 minutes of the end of the game.
I am the Kelvin in this game. I don't know if I alt tabbed or what happened but suddenly my sound starting cutting out. A few random static bursts came through intermittently then there was no sound at all. It was not my computers sound failing, but something in the game for me. I ended up relaunching the client which fixed the sound issue, but then my UI was completely ruined. The minimap showed no towers, no heroes, no lane colors, nothing except I believe some lane creep markers. The shop showed nothing but I was able to buy items by typing the name and clicking the spot where the item should be. Other parts of the UI were messed up with ability and ammo trackers not displaying any up to date info. HP bars on the top screen and timer were gone. Basically the entire UI went to crap even though my sound was working again.
I didn't see the arrow key to more matches...
Time started around 28-29 minutes in game. I can't tell for sure but it seems that I disconnect myself at 29:40, and I know it happened at least a bit before that, either during a team fight or before the team fight.