Soul Snatcher: An Item for Improving Farming with Non-Automatic Weapons and a Potential Path to Diverse Auto-Attacks.


New member
Many players, myself included, would like to see more variety in weapons and types of primary attacks for characters. As a fan of Team Fortress 2, I greatly appreciate the developers' approach to creating weapons that are not only diverse but also "satisfying" to use. This was achieved by minimizing the amount of automatic hitscan weaponry.

In Deadlock, nearly all weapons are non-hitscan, but despite this, most weapons feel similar, likely due to the soul-harvesting mechanics. I enjoy the tactical situations it creates during the "laning" phase, but I wouldn’t want it to become a barrier to introducing more unique heroes.

I’ve seen suggestions for adding new weapons to characters, and I like the idea of a hero who can switch between two types of attacks, similar to Troll Warlord in Dota 2. However, in my opinion, creating additional weapons for many heroes is not the best approach, as they might end up being too similar to the main weapons. This would also require the introduction of a new "weapon switching" mechanic.

Instead, I propose adding an item to the game that, when activated, fires a beam similar to Bebop's attack but without the pre-shot delay. This beam would last about 1 second and interact solely with souls, capturing or "denying" them. The beam would deal no damage and would not interact with anything else besides souls. Visually, it should be subtle so as not to distract opponents.

This ability would have no cooldown and could be activated immediately after the previous animation ends. The item also wouldn’t have limited "ammo," but this is balanced by the need for precise timing. The beam's duration would allow players to compete for souls with heroes who use automatic fire to cover the soul-spawn area.

The name "Soul Snatcher" not only accurately reflects the item’s purpose but, in my opinion, also fits well within the game's setting.

Price and Slot.
I have a few suggestions:

  • Option 1: The item costs 500 souls and can be categorized into any tier. It could be placed in the green category, where there’s a lack of farming items ( Monster Rounds in the yellow category, Ammo Scavenger in the purple ).
  • Option 1.5: An additional effect could be added — the player receives X% more souls from souls harvested with this item. This would encourage players to buy it, as it could potentially pay for itself.
  • Option 2: This item could have three versions, one for each category, and only one could be purchased. The bonuses could be minor but useful at the start of the game. This option is more appealing to players as they wouldn’t just spend money to keep up with other heroes but would also receive some benefits.
  • Option 3: A more radical option: At the start of the game, all players receive 500 souls, and they can buy an item from the shop during the starting phase. This approach works in Dota. Players could immediately purchase items useful in the first minutes of the game, but this option might require balancing items and their prices. I think there’s a reason the developers haven’t introduced starting souls into the game.
Additional Note on Weapons.
Although this isn’t the main section for discussing these mechanics, I would suggest that different types of weapons receive bonuses differently. For example, automatic weapons could receive the full attack speed bonus, while non-automatic weapons would receive a reduced bonus. The situation could be reversed for damage: if Haze gets a 20% attack speed bonus, Grey Talon might only get 10%, but from a 20% damage bonus, Grey Talon would receive 20%, and Haze 10%. All numbers are just for example and would need testing. This way, shotguns, grenade launchers, and sniper rifles could maintain their individuality while competing with automatic weapons in terms of DPS.

This text offers possibilities for introducing more unique characters to the game rather than a strict demand to add a new item. I’d be happy to hear your thoughts, as well as any criticism or suggestions.