Soul Sharing Exploit(?)


New member
In high MMR players have started abusing the fact that soul sharing for 2 players has double efficiency. Shoving your lane and running to the nearest solo lane to leech souls gets you a much bigger lead than your opponent can generate based on your absence. Especially when the roamers are buying sprint boots and healing rite early for rotation speed and regen so harassing or chunking them doesn't punish them at all. In matchID 180806 a Pocket and Infernus were doing this in my game and even though I got almost all of the CS in my lane they had 3k souls when I was at 1.7k. It's way too big of an advantage, and veil walker adds to the problem as well with the speed boost and shield regen they get every time they rotate.

This playstyle removes laning strength (both from a hero and player perspective) and all that matters is being able to shove and rotate quickly. It is extremely unfun to play against and it seems to me the only counterplay is to match exactly what they're doing.
The guys started playing as a team. They farmed all the objects on the map along the way. They killed the opponent when they made a mistake.
They didn't use cheats and so on :coffee:
We just need to get used to the fact that a lot of game strategies will appear in the near future.
P.S. I thought there would really be a bug/exploit here
In high MMR players have started abusing the fact that soul sharing for 2 players has double efficiency. Shoving your lane and running to the nearest solo lane to leech souls gets you a much bigger lead than your opponent can generate based on your absence. Especially when the roamers are buying sprint boots and healing rite early for rotation speed and regen so harassing or chunking them doesn't punish them at all. In matchID 180806 a Pocket and Infernus were doing this in my game and even though I got almost all of the CS in my lane they had 3k souls when I was at 1.7k. It's way too big of an advantage, and veil walker adds to the problem as well with the speed boost and shield regen they get every time they rotate.

This playstyle removes laning strength (both from a hero and player perspective) and all that matters is being able to shove and rotate quickly. It is extremely unfun to play against and it seems to me the only counterplay is to match exactly what they're doing.
Would definitely suggest you drop this in the private "general gameplay" feedback section, so you can share your views directly with the devs.
Was chatting with some friends yesterday about this and how it could be adjusted. All of the ideas I came up with end up being abusable/taking advantage of a win-more situation and not actually helping the player(s) that are being duo roamed on. I tried to execute this strategy last night (for the first time) and maybe we are just inexperienced at it but our guardians got taken relatively quickly and that seemed to equalize the soul difference, but up to that point we were dominant resource-wise.
You can do this too, your team can do this, people are just using mechanics in a min maxy way, even if its a strong strat, everyone can do this. Even if some heroes are better at this than others, there are ways to counter it. Buy monster rounds, push the wave, damage the tower while your opponent is leeching in 1v1. In 2v2 you can just go counter leech or go aggro while evemy is in 1v2. Laning phase doesn't even last long enough anyway and 1.5k advantage is nothing, if he can't get kills or tower.
Abusing the broken soul sharing system was the dominant strategy in the recent tourney.

Soul sharing should be scrapped, and the map should be made bigger and wider.
My (admittedly top of the head) suggestion was to tag creeps as share or split based on who's in the lane when they spawn.

So if a solo player tries to hold a wave for a teammate, they'll end up splitting the souls rather than doubling up.

Obviously proximity to the spawn would matter as well as which lane you're in.
I'm surprised this is still in the game. It makes overly long laning phase even much more of a chore since the only counter to this is to double soak the souls yourself.