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Soul Rebirth
12000 souls cost vitality item
Passive 3min cooldown(cdr doesnt work): on death respawn after 3 seconds in the spot you died at full hp, removing all previous debuffs and buffs.
shop bonus 40% base health
- +20 spirit
- +10% fire rate
- +10% weapon damage
- +0.7 movespeed
- +1m/s sprint speed
- +20% debuff resist (40% for 3s after respawn from passive)
Soul Rebirth takes 4 vitality slots (or flex slots with 4 unlocked)
Soul Rebirth can only be unlocked after obtaining a recipe from turning in three soul urns (or alternatively another type of objective in the future ideally)
Intentions of item and its role:
Soul Rebirth in this implementation would be intended for two different types of heroes mainly, an assassin archetype i.e. pocket, wraith, and a damage carry archetype who are weak against crowd control i.e. vyper(gun), haze, vindicta.
I do think of course other types of heroes can and will build this item but will hopefully get less value from the stats on it than these archetypes mentioned.
Another goal of it taking 4 slots is making it weaker for heroes who enjoy a variety of vitality items. It would also give you less base hp from the shop bonus than from multiple items.
possible adjustment:
more offensive stats in conjunction with longer cooldown on passive to fit archetype and make it less universal.
slightly more or less base health %
final thoughts:
I think in this form it would be a low value item and would only be purchased with a flex slot advantage and/or souls lead. I intend this a little because I do think this item should not be highly efficient on bruisers/tanks and if it is it could be unhealthy for the game, so I think the correct approach is to implement it as a weaker item and buff it to a stable and powerful level.
thank you for reading and let me know what you think.
P.s. im not very good at grammar or formatting so forgive me for mistakes.
12000 souls cost vitality item
Passive 3min cooldown(cdr doesnt work): on death respawn after 3 seconds in the spot you died at full hp, removing all previous debuffs and buffs.
shop bonus 40% base health
- +20 spirit
- +10% fire rate
- +10% weapon damage
- +0.7 movespeed
- +1m/s sprint speed
- +20% debuff resist (40% for 3s after respawn from passive)
Soul Rebirth takes 4 vitality slots (or flex slots with 4 unlocked)
Soul Rebirth can only be unlocked after obtaining a recipe from turning in three soul urns (or alternatively another type of objective in the future ideally)
Intentions of item and its role:
Soul Rebirth in this implementation would be intended for two different types of heroes mainly, an assassin archetype i.e. pocket, wraith, and a damage carry archetype who are weak against crowd control i.e. vyper(gun), haze, vindicta.
I do think of course other types of heroes can and will build this item but will hopefully get less value from the stats on it than these archetypes mentioned.
Another goal of it taking 4 slots is making it weaker for heroes who enjoy a variety of vitality items. It would also give you less base hp from the shop bonus than from multiple items.
possible adjustment:
more offensive stats in conjunction with longer cooldown on passive to fit archetype and make it less universal.
slightly more or less base health %
final thoughts:
I think in this form it would be a low value item and would only be purchased with a flex slot advantage and/or souls lead. I intend this a little because I do think this item should not be highly efficient on bruisers/tanks and if it is it could be unhealthy for the game, so I think the correct approach is to implement it as a weaker item and buff it to a stable and powerful level.
thank you for reading and let me know what you think.
P.s. im not very good at grammar or formatting so forgive me for mistakes.