New member
1- I truly believe there is something OFF about the new map. Mid lane doesn't feel like mid. Its too clustered with structures and the position of the walkers with this "Z" shape feels hideous. I also miss the solo lane, there are many games when I am forced to play 2vs1 because my teammate either keep dying or farming jungle.
2- Secret shop at the old map used to be so accessible and easy to access. The new secret shop is not, it is placed in areas where it is too risky and far to access mid to late game. There is many time when I am forced to go back base to purchase item instead of using secret shop.
3- Can we please for the love of God, reduce the amount of jungle camps. Players now are in jungle most of the game farming because of the big amount of camps and how frequent they respawn.
4- PLEASE make Guardian and Walkers do actual damage to heroes and troops. They are so weak, you can dive people with no punishment even in early game!
5- As deadlock community we can fairly say that we are tired if spirt being the dominant build, please rebuff gun to be equal as spirit.
6- Too many stuns, slows, debuffs and the list goes on. I feel all players build debuff remover as a mandatory item even the pro scene, please find a way to balance it.
I love this game and what you guys are doing, it finally broke the battle Royale era. But I am start losing fun as things are getting out of hand from bugs to over healing heros to matchmaking issues... I still have high hopes so please Yoshi if you are seeing this. Consider some of my feedback!
Thank you!
2- Secret shop at the old map used to be so accessible and easy to access. The new secret shop is not, it is placed in areas where it is too risky and far to access mid to late game. There is many time when I am forced to go back base to purchase item instead of using secret shop.
3- Can we please for the love of God, reduce the amount of jungle camps. Players now are in jungle most of the game farming because of the big amount of camps and how frequent they respawn.
4- PLEASE make Guardian and Walkers do actual damage to heroes and troops. They are so weak, you can dive people with no punishment even in early game!
5- As deadlock community we can fairly say that we are tired if spirt being the dominant build, please rebuff gun to be equal as spirit.
6- Too many stuns, slows, debuffs and the list goes on. I feel all players build debuff remover as a mandatory item even the pro scene, please find a way to balance it.
I love this game and what you guys are doing, it finally broke the battle Royale era. But I am start losing fun as things are getting out of hand from bugs to over healing heros to matchmaking issues... I still have high hopes so please Yoshi if you are seeing this. Consider some of my feedback!
Thank you!