Some voice-over lines seem to have an odd pitch.


New member
It most commonly can be encountered with Ivy but her voice has an increased pitch by default so at first I wasn't sure if this was intentional. However now I've noticed that Haze has at least one line with an incorrect pitch as well. Instead of trying to catch it in-game I took the liberty and looked at the game files. I hope I didn't break any laws with this.

View attachment haze_pain_small_05-video.mp4

File path to the voice-over in question for Haze:

And for Ivy, as far as I can tell, the list goes as follows:
sounds/vo/tengu/emote/ivy_pain_akira_laser_XX.vsnd_c - files 01 to 05
sounds/vo/tengu/emote/ivy_pain_big_XX.vsnd_c - files 01 to 10
sounds/vo/tengu/emote/ivy_pain_death_XX.vsnd_c - files 01 to 08
sounds/vo/tengu/emote/ivy_pain_small_XX.vsnd_c - files 01 to 07

Or maybe I'm just crazy and that's the way it's supposed to be.
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