Some Spicy Melee Items


New member
Just a couple of items that might spice up melee play.

Healing Parry (500/1250 souls):
- Heals for ~50% of melee damage that would have been received on a successful parry
- Reduces parry cooldown by ~25%
Simple item that encourages parry to be used more often in the early/mid game. Charged melee attacks are very powerful in the lane phase and this would allow defenders to flip the battle a little more on a successful parry.

Grounded Spirit Strike (3000 souls):
Uses 'Spirit Strike' as component
- Adds ~110 spirit damage to melee attack
- Depletes 1 stamina from enemy
- Reduces heavy melee range on self by ~50%

The idea behind this is to empower late game melee builds that proc mystic burst, but with a starting damage of about 110 it would only be useful in combination with other spirit items bringing it up to the 125 damage threshold. Melee range is severely reduced to allow enemies to keep some distance, but specifically punishes those who spam dashes in CQC scenarios, without employing yet another movement slow.

Omni Punch (3000 souls):
Uses 'Melee Charge' as component
- Extends heavy melee range by ~25%
- Heavy melee moves the player forward in any aimed direction (rather than just horizontal)
- Adds 1 stamina to self on successful hit

I think there's a niche opportunity for more interesting aerial combat with this. While it's possible for someone like Lash or Yamato to get NEAR a flying opponent, it's rare they get the opportunity to engage intimately with an opponent while still in the air. The added stamina would allow them to stay in the air for just a little bit longer (whether this resets the dash/double jump is debatable), and two opponents with this power could get into some interesting extended aerial battles.
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nah sorry its a shooter
Melee items already exist, and you could NOT call this game a shooter lol.. The devs made an effort to create Melee and Parry system. It is an entire rock/paper/scissors situation for CQC. Your comment really discounts how cool the melee/parry system is.