Snake Charmer [Active Item]


New member
Snake Charmer
On use, summons a magic jar or basket at target location. A snake will emerge, extending upwards continuously.
The snake can be climbed as if it was a rope, exactly like the ones found around the map.
Provides a small resistance bonus to the owner of the item when climbing any rope. This bonus is extended to anyone using the Snake Charmer.

Visuals & SFX: Similar to the Magic Carpet perhaps, but with orange color (to fit with existing ropes). Plays a flute sound on use & as long as the snake travels upwards.
Scaling: The item benefits from increases to duration, and will stay in the world longer. Spirit scale how fast it extends, reach will improve cast range. Reach could also scale the maximum range, in case of any balance issues.
Cost & Category: Should be either a green or purple item, costing either 1250 or 3000 souls. Bonuses granted can be decided accordingly.
Really buggy and unhealthy design. Devs or other players dont want you to climb every building there is. And artificially creating limitation will require arduous testing and control. Even then people will find ways to abuse it, and its gonna be tier 1-2 item. This game shouldnt have any terrain and environment interaction beyond base one. Its not fortnite for kids.
I was not able to conceive a scenario in which this item would be broken, in fact I figured it would be pretty weak. Considering the plethora of abilities and items in the game that already allow a far greater degree of freedom in the game, I don't have the same impression you do as to what is too wild for this game. I'll let the devs decide that.