Small respawn delay issue

Yesteday I experienced a small bug when respawning as infernus that prevented me from actually controlling my character for a short time after the respawn timer completed. When I died I was trying to use an item ability on another player but none were in range for me to target. It appeared to still think my character was where I died and not at the spawn point. It self corrected after a short time.

~1 minute video of death and respawn attached, Match ID 22,341. Died at 22:15, was supposed to respawn at 22:59, regained control at 23:08

View attachment bug submission - respawn bug.mp4
same thing happened to me and my duo, he wasn't able to fix it and was dc'd from the game. when I bought something in shop it fixed it for me though, and it looks like it fixed for you shortly after opening shop as well.