Small bug with modifier keys (only seems to have appeared with the last patch).


New member
Hi guys,

so given the nature of this game, (movement on one hand, aim on the other) the age old modifier key plus skill key was no bueno for me (I'm a lefty using OKL: rather than WASD, right-alt is my melee key, right shift is crouch and right ctrl is too much of a stretch).

I use middle mouse as my modifier, which was fine up until the patch that separated out modifier and skill level ups. Middle mouse + skill is not a valid modifier, and unlike with Dota, the standard modifier keys for both WASD and janky southpaw WASD players like me are high priority keys. I realise that it would not be trivial to implement the facility to detect all keys as both potential modifiers and action keys (allowing the combination 'W+S' as an action and also having W for move forward and S for move backward could cause all kinds of technical support issues), but it would be nice to be able to designate modifier keys.

So what i've had to do is macro middle mouse to be right-CTRL, which is fine, when I played Dota and league, I had the Windows key macroed to hold position. However, given the limited number of modifier keys, and the distinct detection of Right-ctrl and right-alt in the settings, I would look to find some way to disable ALTGR behaviour. This wasn't apparentr until the most recent patch, where suddenly right alt was also bringing up my extra info (so ALT gr behaviour, right alt was also being pressed).

Valve do a great job of making the right-hand side of the keyboard available for lefties like me (the number of games with hard coded bindings for the enter key, inability to bind ' or # keys, hard coded O for objective or E for use etc), so I don't have to macro half my keyboard to make a workable control scheme... however, in a third person shooter, keys accessible via your pinkey and your thumb are very high priority, as you can use them without taking your other fingers off your movement keys - and I'm going to crouch, melee, dodge jump and parry much more often than I'm going to level up my skills. However, being able to level up a skill without interrupting my flow will often make or break a fight. I want to hit that invicta headshot the moment I reach 3k souls, or dump all 3 cards the moment I get my second level in card with Wraith, even if it only happens once a match. That means I need more ways to level up my skills.

Sorry way wordier than necessary, I'm sleep deprived today