

Slothstorm was an ordinary sloth living peacefully deep in the jungle. One day, while he was blissfully sleeping in his tree, a mysterious lightning bolt struck from the sky, simultaneously with a meteor crashing right on top of him. The impact and combined energy transformed him into a being with incredible powers.


  1. Drowsy Ray:
    Slothstorm releases a burst of electricity from his body toward a nearby enemy, dealing moderate damage and putting the enemy to sleep for a few seconds.
  2. Meteoric Barrier:
    Slothstorm summons a barrier made of meteor fragments that surrounds him, absorbing a portion of incoming damage for a short time. While the barrier is active, any enemy that gets too close is damaged by a cosmic energy explosion. If Slothstorm is asleep, the barrier is amplified, creating a small impact zone that reflects damage back at nearby enemies.
  3. Cosmic Trap:
    Slothstorm places an invisible trap on the ground that detonates when an enemy steps on it, trapping them in a gravitational field that slows them and deals continuous damage for a few seconds. If Slothstorm is asleep, the trap’s area of effect increases, and upon detonation, it sends enemies into the air, briefly stunning them when they land.
  4. Cosmic Awakening:
    Slothstorm falls into a deep sleep for a brief period (say 5-10 seconds), during which he regenerates all his health and gains cosmic power. Upon awakening, he unleashes a wave of energy from the impact of the meteor and lightning, dealing massive area damage and stunning all nearby enemies. The damage of his abilities increases significantly for a short time after his awakening, turning him into a force of destruction.

Slothstorm :

Slothstorm Ultimate :