Slinger: Spider-themed assassin-type hero


New member
I haven't really thought about what his story is or what he'd look like (so far I imagine him as human), only how he'd operate in-game.

Left Click: He fires these wrist-mounted guns (kind of like Deadshot from DC) that have an extremely high fire rate, below average damage, and low range and clip size.

Ability 1 - Zip: Slinger fires a web line to the target location and then pulls himself quickly to it. He'll only zip if the target is close enough; he can't fire a line into empty space or at an extremely distant building and get pulled a small distance in that direction, his web has to hit something close enough to latch on to. While targeting this ability, his web line and zip path will be highlighted green if the target location is close enough and be highlighted red if the target is too far.
If Slinger zips to the side of a building, he'll automatically cling to the wall and perch there for a decent amount of time before automatically letting go and dropping to the ground. Zip can be upgraded to have multiple charges.

Ability 2 - Web Lair: Slinger lays down a human-sized spider web beneath his feet. The max count for these will probably be equal to how many max charges he has for the ability. These web lairs can be zipped to with his first ability at an extended range (meaning that while the area two yards to the right of Web Lair might be outside his zip range, the web is not. Zip is able to fire farther if the target is one of his Web Lairs). Web Lair can also be casted while clinging to a wall.
While Slinger is casting Web Lair, an area of affect field will be displayed around the web showing how far he can be from it in order to use Zip. While targeting Zip, any Web Lairs within its range will be highlighted green.
While Slinger is standing over one of his Web Lairs, Zip is able to target enemy heroes (with the increased range bonus applied). Any enemy heroes targeted in this way will be pulled to his location and become temporarily rooted and disarmed, consuming the Web Lair Slinger was standing over.
Web Lair can be upgraded to have more charges.

Ability 3 - Predator's Instinct: When activated, nearby enemy heroes are highlighted red and can be seen through walls. Predator's Instinct can be upgraded to also increase Slinger's movement and attack speed. Can be upgraded further to reveal all enemy heroes on the minimap for him and his team.

Ultimate - Pounce: Slinger leaps in an arc in the target direction, pinning down the first enemy hero he hits. The enemy hero is disabled for a short period as Slinger rapidly claws at him with light melee attacks. Pounce deals initial burst damage based on the distance Slinger travels during Pounce. Slinger has limited control over his movement while in the air. Can be upgraded to stun nearby enemy heroes.