If you perform a mid air charged punch into a mantle, your FOV will decrease slightly for ~5 seconds before going back to normal.
For this to happen you need to:
Be in the air
Perform a charged punch (It has to be a charged punch)
Mantle while still being in punch animation (it can not be after the animation has finished)
As far as I know it does not matter how you get in the air. This will happen while falling into punch then mantle, wall jumping into punch then mantle or just jumping into punch then mantle.
I can replicate it at will and it's consistent
If you punch while your FOV is still decreased it will go back to normal
I've attached an example video:
View attachment FOV bug video.mp4
For this to happen you need to:
Be in the air
Perform a charged punch (It has to be a charged punch)
Mantle while still being in punch animation (it can not be after the animation has finished)
As far as I know it does not matter how you get in the air. This will happen while falling into punch then mantle, wall jumping into punch then mantle or just jumping into punch then mantle.
I can replicate it at will and it's consistent
If you punch while your FOV is still decreased it will go back to normal
I've attached an example video:
View attachment FOV bug video.mp4