Siphon bullets not working with ricochet


New member
Siphon bullets are not working with ricochet, it drains only the first target even tho in description it states that the bullets are doing the procs
Yes, but Tesla bullets do have internal cooldown which is 0.3 and it procs on everybody, why wouldn't Siphon proc aswell?
Yes, but Tesla bullets do have internal cooldown which is 0.3 and it procs on everybody, why wouldn't Siphon proc aswell?
0.3 seconds is a lot shorter than 0.8. chances are your bullet already hit all its targets before the 0.8 second cooldown finished. also siphon bullets isn't applied to the bullet itself like tesla is. its just an affect that happens when you hit a target. siphon bullets Would be insanely broken if it applied to every ricochet bounce
No its not, it says in Siphon exactly (Your bullets temporarily steal HP.....) So it is applied to the bullet as tesla is, but it might be that the cooldown is so big that the bullets are not procing it on others but I still feel like it's broken because it should atleast few times proc on other targets than the main one, thats why I think it's actually bugged.
There is a lot to test there, spread dummies and shorten cd with item. Then try again with slowed time and so on.
Why would you want to build siphon and ricochet? And on who?
Haze, they fixed her ult applying bullet procs, also on autoattacks it would be massive, makes you more alive, you don't have to build leech and you get more dmg with siphon
Actually tesla might proc only on one target and it might be the jumps that proc it onto others perma
I bought both items on haze, 4 stacks on 3 people, with cd item its 5 stacks on 3 people, in ult ofc. All works, some items has cd.
Same with tesla, with cd item it has more damage and more procs, and some dummies receive more magic damage that other, so it also bounces
Actually tesla might proc only on one target and it might be the jumps that proc it onto others perma
ya thats how Tesla works its a 25% chance to proc with a 0.3 sec cooldown, but the Tesla arcs to 2 other targets just like ricochet. ricochet just gives you more chances to proc tesla bullets it still cant proc more than once every 0.3 seconds, just like siphon with its 0.8 second cooldown
No its not, it says in Siphon exactly (Your bullets temporarily steal HP.....) So it is applied to the bullet as tesla is, but it might be that the cooldown is so big that the bullets are not procing it on others but I still feel like it's broken because it should atleast few times proc on other targets than the main one, thats why I think it's actually bugged.
Ricochet is extremely fast. Siphon Bullets can't proc more than once every 0.8s, and Ricochet will hit all targets long before that cooldown is up. So it only procs once.