Siphon Bullets. Negative Life and possible immortality?


New member
Some further details in what negative max hp values can do.
When you have negative max hp your actual hp seems to "flicker" between 0 and 1. However sometimes it can get stuck on one of the numbers. If it gets stuck on 0 I'm not sure if there is a way to die. Healing (at least via hp regen) can trigger the "flicker" again, and make it possible to die.

Here is an example. Made a bot in sandbox mode, and gave them some general perks. Killed them with Siphon Bullets until they were negative.
Demonstration of the bug is in the video below as well as issues with making it occur. (sorry for the lack of audio)

Fortitude oddly makes it stuck at 0 at times, and basically makes it possible to become unkillable?
Unsure if having negative Max HP is even meant to occur in the first place.

Best Regards
Negative HP is still possible, we discovered it in the McGinnis channel and I figured I would go report it. Cool to see someone else spotted it as well.

I kind of think Bullet Siphon should behave like how permanent lifesteal does in DotA2 where you can only steal base health from strength gain, and health from items is safe.