Sinclair Assistant commonly misses the shots

I found if you aim at someones center and the assistant is to the side they will aim at the wall that is behind them as if the enemy isn't there. I was in the practice range and had Mirage as the enemy spawned. placed the assistant to the right and aimed at the center of Mirage and made sure there is nothing behind him and the assistant would shoot where the cursor was behind them. when I looked at his feet the assistant would hit the target but when moving back up would aim behind again.
View attachment Assistant not hitting.mp4
The above clip I forgot to include I started close to the character and walked back to get the missing at a distance not 100% sure that is what is causing it.

With more tests I could get it consistent at a range but you have to be close first then walk away for the assistant to miss. seems the gun model is through the character and causes the miss but not sure why it keeps missing once walking back.
Can now confirm once you have the gun model in the enemy it will miss and aim where your mouse is behind the enemy and continue to miss walking back till 5 meters. if you walk past 5m it will hit the target but walking back into the 5m range will cause it to miss again.

Seems the aim of the assistant get wonky when your within 5m of the target.