Simple Bug - Competitively neccessary


New member
Hey hey,

Going to make this quick and easy to explain. I was in a "Base-Race" situation last night and it was really fun.

At the end my team mate and I were on the enemy shrines, at this point in time we could see our shrine health displayed and the enemy's too. It was easy to see we didn't have the same DPS.

When the enemy killed our shrines, the patrons were up next, but I did not see the health bar of my patron, only the enemy patron. (This is the bug) -

This made me think that they were coming back to defend so I kept pressure on the enemy patron thinking I must've only had a few moments. A few seconds later my screen had displayed "Defeat" and I was slightly confused for a second - then I quickly realized it was probably a simple bug that my team's patron's health bar probably just didn't get displayed due to the amount of chaos happening in both bases at the same time. ( ^_^ )

Below is the match ID (IF APPLICABLE) - Not a huge deal as far as the game goes. LOVE playing this game and wish I could be a true asset to speaking for the community testing the game, however, my current study schedule (based on IT), does not provide me enough time to spend playing.

MATCH ID : 10979709

Deadlock is the game I find myself coming back to again and again at the moment, it's truly a great game - I'd love to see it take off competitively as well but it will require simple fixes (Or explanations for why the health bars for patrons may not show visibility - perhaps a team mate needs to be fighting an enemy attacking the patron for it to be seen by team mates around the map).

This happened on a stream as well, there was a base race and the streamers team didn't see the health of their own patron. Then there was something with them seeing both VICTORY and DEFEAT followed by seeing that they lost the match.
