Silver Mind and Golden Body , new T3 and T4 vitality Items


New member
The first new item called "Silver Mind" would be a counterpart of Metal Skin, having the effect of negating all spirit damage for 4 seconds with some drawbacks to casting speed due to the headache that comes with turning your mind silver.
Silver Mind.png

The second item would be "Golden Body", being the first item that costs 12.000 souls requiring both metal skin and silver mind to craft.
Golden Body.png
However when crafted it giving better stats then its counterparts and allowing the user to become immune to ALL damage for 8 seconds, this however dosen't stop the user from being stunned or silenced.
Golden Body 2.png
I like the concept (there needs to be something to cover us from large spirit bursts and E Shift is a very awkward solution) but I would probably add to the active of Golden Body a line that just says you cannot gain unbreakable for the duration.

Yes, I'm aware that being immune to disables is universally a large investment, but being COMPLETELY invincible for 8+ seconds isn't something anyone wants as that will make it a very big "win more" item that will always get picked. Making it so that if someone does build golden body then the solution is to CC them, or if they build unbreakable the solution is to burn them down is good item design. Making it so that someone can turn on godmode for a while isn't
While I want more items like this, but not at this cost, this is way overturned. The 6k items should all build out of 2 3k items, and the 3k build out of t2s, and t2s out of t1s. The 6k items would go back up to their original cost of 6250, or a bit more, similar to dota 2s items having that recipe cost to combine the items together. This concept is already pretty core to mobas and to me its more streamlined way of itemization that holding on to that t1 and t2 all game because you dont need to empty the slot yet.

Now addressing this item. There should be a very significant downside too this item for 8 seconds worth of immunity. Either a, the time needs to be dropped to something like 3 seconds, or b, you cannot take actions other than moving and dodging any more. Similar to Eshift but instead of being stuck and everyone just waiting around for you to come out of the immunity then try and then go back on you. This item would be a counter to things like getting bebop pulled and jumped by a team as you can immune the damage and try and run back to your team.

But like Rosgath said, probably shouldnt be able to become cc immune too, but with the downside of not being able to use your gun or abilities while its active, this might be fine as the only way to counter 8 secs of immunity would be to keep you still during that time to begin with.

So the question i guess is what is its real purpose. Is it for a frontliner to running in and then use it to absorb a bunch of burst unharmed? then short duration.

Is it for a backliner to use it to try and reposition out of danger? Then long duration but no actions other than movement.