You make good points, and it makes me think that this game is just not my cup of tea. Coming from high mobility type of games it just feels kind of cheap getting "grounded" sort to speak, + instakilled if it's a 2vs1.
I dunno man, I want to like this game, the controls feel great, the characters are cool, the ults are a lot of fun, but I feel like I am consistently getting red cards for slightly grazing someone in a football (soccer for Unitedstatians) game.
It must be said that the last time I played a moba is back in 2005-06 in the original WC3 mod, and controlling the character in third person feels a LOT different then in a top-down view.
I have played 7-8 games now, and and to be fair it could be that my impression is a bit off because of broken matchmaking. It could be that I am consistently put in games with the people who have been playing since May and keep getting owned and steamrolled because of that.