Shrines do not take damage from certain sources of Spirit damage


New member
Most abilities and items work on Objectives (notable exception to effects that deal %HP as damage or abilities that require a target), however there are some abilities that specifically do not work on Shrines that do work on other Objectives such as the nearby Base Guardians and the Patron

Dynamo Singularity
Infernus Concussive Combustion
Vindicta Flight
Wraith Full Auto (with the Spirit damage upgrade)

There are also abilities that do work, but do not show their damage numbers
Infernus Afterburn
Mirage Djinn's Mark
Shiv Serrated Knives

During testing, I found that most %HP damage does not work on Objectives (Toxic Bullets, Crow, Time Wall, Improved Burst), however Dynamo's Singularity upgrade does work on Objectives (except Shrines where it does no damage)