Shop Screen Stuck/Frozen - Unable to exit the shop.


New member
As the title reads, there is currently a bug that I have not seen mentioned but has happened to me on 3 separate occasions. When I go to buy an item in the shop my item swap screen freezes in place, not allowing me to select anything or close it out. It does not have any in game preformances issues tied to it other than the fact that 90% of my screen is now covered by something I cant close/move, and I cannot turn my camera. Extremely frustrating bug and I have no idea on how to recreate it. It has only even happened to me playing Yamato, usually swapping items out in the late game. With no way to close it/reconnect to the match it forces my team to 5v6. Please look into this bug as it is extremely game breaking. I have not found a method to recreate the bug but it seems to happen only on Yamato when swapping items out for survival(green) tier items. My graphics drivers are up to date and playing on a newer pc.
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This bug happens to me often, and occurs for me when attacked in the "All slots are full" screen. Sell and Cancel buttons do not work, pressing escape does not work, no actual fix except for restarting. Frustrating bug that completely shuts down the flow of the game due to need to restart/pause.