Shop issues


New member
I've been experiencing 3 issues with the in-game shop, and they’ve gotten worse since the latest patch:

  1. Scrolling Issue in the Build Menu: I’ve always had trouble scrolling down in the build menu. Whenever I tried to scroll down, the shop would automatically scroll back up, making it difficult to access builds that require scrolling. With the newest patch, this problem has worsened, and now I can’t scroll down at all. I’m essentially stuck with whatever is initially visible, which is frustrating.

  2. Browse Build Button Malfunction: Since the latest patch, the "Browse Build" function has become unreliable. Sometimes it works, but more often, after pressing the button, it stops functioning entirely. Once this happens, I’m unable to browse builds at all until I restart the game. This makes it really annoying when I want to try out a different build or switch to a different character.

    3. Buying Items Requires Both Mouse Buttons: After the new patch, I now have to press both the left and right mouse buttons to purchase items in the shop, which wasn’t the case before. This extra step has come since the newest patch came out and it is just a little annoying since before i only had to left click and thats it. (minor problem but 1 & 2 annoying)

    (I got help writing this since my english is not that good)
I have been having the same issues with the shop, "Browse Build" becomes frozen and bugged once I browse community builds and does not go away on game restart. The bug happens once I browse community builds in the actual game or practice mode. Clicking with mouse buttons (M1 and M2) lets me interact with the menu. This only happens with the Build tab and not the other shop menus.