Shooty Lancer


New member
The inspiration behind this is from one of my favorite dota heroes, phantom lancer. The idea around his abilities is similar to Yamato where you can still build spirit or more bullet heavy to have a different play style. I didn’t want to lean too heavy into illusions as I think too many will just cause too much chaos, but the flavor is there.

1: Phantom Lance (2 Charges)
Im in between two versions of this ability: it can work similar to hazes sleep dagger where it is aimed, or similar to some items in the shop where it is targeted and locks on. (I think haze projectile might be better)

Throw a projectile that slows by x% on hit for 1 second. Deals 100 damage. Damage and slow duration scales from spirit power. 10s cooldown per charge.

Rank 1: +80 damage
Rank 2: Reduce enemy bullet (or spirit, not sure which) resistance by 12%
Rank 3: On hit, phantom lance ricochets to 3 additional enemies, prioritizing heroes in range.

2: Doppelgänger
The idea here is pretty much exactly how it works in dota in which during the disappearance you can’t move/control your character. Something similar to pockets briefcase ability. The clone that spawns can be slightly off color so that knowledgeable players can still be aware of which one is real.

Briefly disappear from the plane of existence, reappearing 1s later along with a clone that lasts 5 seconds. The clone replicates the players actions but does 0 damage. On clone death, fire a damaging phantom lance at the target who performed the killing blow. On clone expiration, fire a phantom lance to a target within 15m range. 45s cooldown. Disappearance time and clone duration could weakly scale with spirit power.

Rank 1: -15s cooldown reduction
Rank 2: On reappearance, gain 50% bullet and spirit resist for 3 seconds.
Rank 3: Ability now spawns 2 additional clones.

3: Phantom Rush
A passive ability, works similar to the item in the shop that increases your fire rate on hit.

Hitting an enemy increases your fire rate by 30% for 3 seconds. 12s internal cooldown.

Rank 1: Reloading refreshes this ability
Rank 2: -3s internal cooldown
Rank 3: Your bullets cost no ammo for the duration of the buff.

4: Rupture
Surprise, now he’s bloodseeker. As much as I wanted something with clones, I just don’t think the game needs a bunch of illusions running around so instead I went with rupture. Can synergize well with setting up spirit lance projectiles on a target or if building bullet, setting them up to get mowed down. I was in between this and monkey kings ult and I think both could potentially work. Maybe monkey king ult is more in line thematically but oh well.

Throw a projectile that bleeds your target dealing 15% of their max health and applying the rupture debuff for 10s. If a player is ruptured they take continuous spirit damage as they move. 90s cooldown. Rupture damage from movement scales with spirit power.

Rank 1: -30s cooldown
Rank 2: Initial application of rupture now deals 25% of max health
Rank 3: Gain a second charge of rupture
Cool idea, but a bit counter-intuative. If you rupture your opponent, you'd want them to move around for them to take dmg, or stand still and that way theyd make themselves an easy target, problem is, the first ability goes against that premise since it slows, working against you in that case, and if the enemy does stand still, the kit doesnt have anything to punish them for it (bloodseeker has blood rite), so perhaps you could change the first ability to give some other debuff, and give doppelganger some way of punishing folks who stand still (or mostly still in this case)
Yeah I thought about that, I really wasn’t sure what to make the ult honestly and decided to throw in rupture. I agree that there needs to be something that synergizes well with rupture and the slow on 1 is counterintuitive.

Maybe removing the slow component and instead make it that each phantom lance applies a separate instance of minus spirit resist so you can easily burst rupture targets. I worry that the concept of rupture might be extremely strong in a game where movement is so important so I think making direct synergies could be too OP, but also you are right in that there shouldn’t be counterintuitive abilities in the kit.
Cool idea, but a bit counter-intuative. If you rupture your opponent, you'd want them to move around for them to take dmg, or stand still and that way theyd make themselves an easy target, problem is, the first ability goes against that premise since it slows, working against you in that case, and if the enemy does stand still, the kit doesnt have anything to punish them for it (bloodseeker has blood rite), so perhaps you could change the first ability to give some other debuff, and give doppelganger some way of punishing folks who stand still (or mostly still in this case)
Yeah I thought about that, I really wasn’t sure what to make the ult honestly and decided to throw in rupture. I agree that there needs to be something that synergizes well with rupture and the slow on 1 is counterintuitive.

Maybe removing the slow component and instead make it that each phantom lance applies a separate instance of minus spirit resist so you can easily burst rupture targets. I worry that the concept of rupture might be extremely strong in a game where movement is so important so I think making direct synergies could be too OP, but also you are right in that there shouldn’t be counterintuitive abilities in the kit.
Phantom lance giving minus spirit resist idea sounds great!

"I worry that the concept of rupture might be extremely strong in a game where movement is so important"
Very true, I think the best way to realistically balance that would be not to make it target-unit, but a projectile like you said. Maybe giving it a bit of a cast time could work too? like a windup of sort.
I think if you want to implement Rupture into Deadlock that you have to consider how important movement is in this game. If I developed a version of Rupture, I would say that, yes, you lose health as you move, but that you lose more health the farther away a target moves from the he point where it has Rupture cast on them. That way if they want to spot dodge, they can vamp while Rupture wears off, but if they want to run run, they have to bite the bullet and take the damage.