Shiv's fun and interactivity changes suggestions


New member
Suggestion one: Instead of being tanky all day, Shiv's third ability passive could be turned into an active. Filter part of the incoming damage, but just for the specified time, say, 5 seconds. Shiv WILL still die if his main health reaches zero, but then after (or during) the duration, shiv can Reactivate the skill to heal a portion of the damage filtered.
This accomplishes a few things. First, it rewards the player for using the skill at the right time, while punishing players who do not keep an eye out to press the ability again to heal in time. This in turn makes the ability more interactive and fun to use. Second, it prevents Shiv from feeling like an unkillable tank, as players will understand he is only hard to kill during the skill's effect.

The second suggestion is simply an idea to make his ultimate feel more connected to his unique rage mechanic. Having max rage increases the kill threshold of his ultimate, but drains his rage to zero. If he kills the target, however, Shiv performs an AOE bleeding spell to all enemies within, filling his rage meter once more. This change could make his ultimate more fun and rewarding to perform, but at the same time, requiring players to work his rage to the max to reap the rewards.
Shiv's third ability passive could be turned into an active. Filter part of the incoming damage, but just for the specified time, say, 5 seconds. Shiv WILL still die if his main health reaches zero, but then after (or during) the duration, shiv can Reactivate the skill to heal a portion of the damage filtered.
the funny thing is that I thought that the ability worked like that at first. right now it feels like a very cheap out of jail card and a strong healing ability and in no time players are going to figure out how to just bully with it.
the funny thing is that I thought that the ability worked like that at first. right now it feels like a very cheap out of jail card and a strong healing ability and in no time players are going to figure out how to just bully with it.
they already do. its uncontestable he's the best character right now. its the big reason he got some good nerfs last patch. his base stats are high, and he has this heal back which makes having a big hp pool just as strong. matter of fact i dont think its a shock to say abrams is hard to kill and shiv now still has better hp scalling, and before it was even bigger. meaning that any few green items he picks that boost by a % would give him a LOT of value. He reminds me of achiles from smite, tanky, mobile, has some very spamable damage dangerous in close quarters with an execute. yes a tank/bruiser with an execute obviously that character made waves and is making them here as well.

The second suggestion is simply an idea to make his ultimate feel more connected to his unique rage mechanic. Having max rage increases the kill threshold of his ultimate, but drains his rage to zero. If he kills the target, however, Shiv performs an AOE bleeding spell to all enemies within, filling his rage meter once more. This change could make his ultimate more fun and rewarding to perform, but at the same time, requiring players to work his rage to the max to reap the rewards.
within this idea but make it more punishing (specially since it can reset cd's) make the threshold way lower and somewhat close to now at max rage but not replenish on some side benefit, he already chain kills because 25% damage is to much (another thing to tweak) so literally just have a rage spending systems. perhaps his 3 heals more but spends the rage he has so he can be as tanky as now but he has to give up ramping for his max.
because he is not made of paper and you need to chain cc to pop him or its a problem he stats bouncing daggers and having ticking healing that is fighting his bloodletting damage. Give him trade offs instead of all gas no brakes my bar is full and im angry