Shiv Dash Bug (pretty sure it's a bug)


New member
I believe this is a bug since it's happened multiple times today, I just started playing Shiv again, so I'm not sure if it's new with the patch but his dash gets canceled sometimes. I'll share a clip for it canceling after I ult, I think in this case falling after ulting causes my dash to stop on ground impact. I had some other weird cases where it would cancel if I dropped off some stairs as well.
at 0:06 you can see I ult Dynamo and then immediately dash but my dash is blocked. Nothing was used on me that would stop my dash (can confirm with the death recap at the end)
I'm not sure if the bug has to do with uneven terrain or just after ulting slightly in the air and dashing before landing. I didn't think to clip the other times . If you need more examples I can go to the replay system (if multiple patches haven't ruined them, it is patch day after all).