With the new jungle on the map, what do people think of maybe 20-35% of jungle souls been shared amongst the team. The same as walkers.
I think this could make contesting jungle more important. As well as reduce player angst towards 'afk junglers' on their team as well as making the jungle more of team activity. Where hero's with poorer jungle clear can support their 'jungler' so they can hit their power spike while actively gaining from this. I think the new duo lanes compliment this. Maybe this could be split where 'jungle souls' are shared in lane up to the 8 min mark at a higher percentage, before global T3 camps spawn and the rate is reduced and shared amongst the team.
What do you guys think?
I think this could make contesting jungle more important. As well as reduce player angst towards 'afk junglers' on their team as well as making the jungle more of team activity. Where hero's with poorer jungle clear can support their 'jungler' so they can hit their power spike while actively gaining from this. I think the new duo lanes compliment this. Maybe this could be split where 'jungle souls' are shared in lane up to the 8 min mark at a higher percentage, before global T3 camps spawn and the rate is reduced and shared amongst the team.
What do you guys think?