"Sewprise", full assassin using the 'fade'/invisibility mechanic (name may vary)

Auto attack: knife throw that does bonus damage if you are behind a player. (they are facing at least 100+ degrees away from you)

First ability: passive that stacks bleed that has a fixed damage, 5 per second at max level, that becomes 9% (does not combine with bleed item) lasting 8 seconds.

Second ability: teleport backwards (180 degrees from where you are looking). (didn't think of distance as I doubt this will be read this far)

Third ability: gain a massive movement speed increase, degrading instantly over time, while this is active turn invisible unless you take damage or use a ability, this lasts 9s

Forth ability: blind enemies in a area these enemies now take backstab damage no matter what and can only see 4m ahead of them (values may vary) while blinded their healing is reduced and can't target 'Sewprise' with any targeting abilities (example BEBOP's hook)