Seven zipline into ult bug (high speed vertical ascension)


New member
Bug report:

Seven gains high altitude at high speed while ulting, if he casts ult after dropping from a zipline.

NOTE: only tested it in the shooting range / test map, can't confirm if this happens in other places.

Only happens when dropping, doesn't happen when jumping.

Did not test if it happens after an air jump.

There doesn't seem to be a timing constraint on it, as long as you dropped from the zipline and haven't touched the ground, Seven goes straight up.

Noticed this too today, made a small video demonstrating it in a lane in the sandbox and game map.

The bug allows the player to get very good positioning with little to no effort, which can be abused in ultimates like this, but also Lash's, which keeps his momentum when ulting, allowing a larger area to be covered by it.