Seven ultimate causing everyone in game to drop to 5fps


New member
Match ID: 23165991
Time: 4:57 & 25:30

On seven ult cast, everyone in the game complained about lag and needed to restart their client, with fps dropping further when looking in the direction of where it was cast.

Console showed repeated spew

[RenderSystem] Previous allocation with memoryRequirements.memoryTypeBits=0x3b was from heap 5 (propertyFlags: 0x7) with requested propertyFlags 0x7, trying in heap 3 (propertyFlags: 0x6) with requested propertyFlags 0x6.
[RenderSystem] CB: vkAllocateMemory failed for DEVICE_LOCAL memory indicating video memory is full, trying again in system memory as a fallback.

[Particles] WARNING: Particle system 'particles/abilities/gigawatt/storm_cloud_sparks_1.vpcf' was not precached correctly. Performing blocking load....

[Client] 16928:unit_status_overlay::m_vecOrigin CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_cellX cell 33 is outside of cell bounds (0->32) @(17450.667969 480.000000 256.000000)

Full console output:

When closing the client, the task manager showed 16GB of memory usage
