Server cpu lag? Horrific rubber banding etc.

Pay attention to my ping and the server cpu. For some reason this has been happening in all of my games lately -- and I have two ISPs available to me so I'm able to confirm this is independent of both of them. Further two months ago or so I didn't have this happen -- this has only been happening for about a week or two.

Also -- I've included two different games I recorded. These aren't all the instances of the lagging etc but just some of them.


  • 1.mp4
    15.3 MB
  • 2.mp4
    19.6 MB
  • 3.mp4
    10.7 MB
  • Screenshot 2024-09-08 at 12.42.13 AM.png
    Screenshot 2024-09-08 at 12.42.13 AM.png
    234.8 KB · Views: 5
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I have a similar problem.
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3 GB, Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X3440 2.53GHz, 8 RAM DDR3
Yes, this is an old pc, but in cs2 I have 60 to 120 frames per second.
(This problem appears only on official servers, so for comparison I added a video from the sandbox)


I've been having a similar issue, but not this bad. Lately I've been desyncing super bad, almost 1/3 of a second between what I'm seeing my character do on my screen and when the server actually registers it. I wonder if it's related at all.
This morning, while playing on a Chicago server, I don't notice it happening.

Honestly it could be my isp. Hard to say. But I also imagine it may have something to do with the long distance to perhaps suboptimal servers, like those in California.