Scuffed Item Ideas


New member
Diabolic Handcuffs (1250)
Active (60s)
Your next melee attack cuffs an enemy's wrist to your own. Both you and the target have -80% turn speed and cannot parry or reload your weapons until one dies.

Combat Boots (1750)
Component: Sprint Boots
+ 2 m/s Move Speed
+ 1 Stamina
+ 8% Weapon Damage
+ 20% Dash Distance
Passive (8s)
When dashing forward you perform a special sweeping melee attack that deals 40 weapon damage that instantly breaks shields and can't be parried. If an enemy is killed by this attack you replenish 1 stamina.

Infernal Puzzlebox (8050)
Component: Healbane
+ 100 Bonus Health
+ 100% Spirit Lifesteal
Your Spirit Damage applies 60% Healing Reduction for 8 seconds. If an enemy hero dies under this effect, you restore 600 health.
Drains 6% of your maximum health per second, stops at 5% health.

Psychic Catalyst (6800)
Components: Sprint Boots
+ 300 Spirit Shield
+ 10% Spirit Damage
- 25% Maximum Health
Replaces your dashes with the ability to teleport forward and deal 100 Spirit damage on arrival in a 3 meter radius while staggering them.
green is broken, people will buy it as first before min 20 and combined with damage per tick its gonna bust some people in seconds. boots should never be specialized as cheap stats leading to snowball without counterplay.
That seems like an extremely strong active for 1250. It should also probably have a duration, even if its a long one. Otherwise what happens if you both get rescue beamed back to your teams, you get stuck the rest of the game unable to turn? Something like 10 seconds or until death.

1750 item for 2m/s in combat movespeed all the time seems absurd, it giving stamina, dash distance etc on top and just negates shield seems absurd. What, this 40 damage thing is meant to just break 1300 shield on a cheap item every 8 seconds? Less with CD reduction?

Infernal Puzzlebox is very hard to build around, by leaving you at 5% max hp all the time you need to build shields, which dont work with spirit lifesteal, but if you successfully initiate it would suddenly be broken. I suggest changing it to an active, where it normally grants say, 20% spirit lifesteal, but adds 80% more for 8 seconds in exchange for half your current HP. The way the item is now, i think it would be basically useless on 95% of builds, but broken on certain extreme lategame ones.

10% spirit damage seems weird? Why not just add some spirit? Some characters have 8+ stamina, having those dashes become staggers seems brutal. The stats seem very low for a 6800, and its weird to see sprint boots build into other types of items, which is true of combat boots as well.