Screen lock / Mouse lock when using some abilities on borderless window

Some abilities makes the screen or the mouse lock for some reason

I.E Grey Talon's ultimate - when switching back to GT's POV, the mouse is locked and you have to minimize the game and go back in. This is really annoying especially when you are on a crucial team fight where you try to maneuver your way out and suddenly your mouse is frozen.
+1 This is insanely game breaking as this can occur at any time during the game, including during fights. Sometimes it happens multiple times in one game. I do not have this problem in any other game so it's doubtfully my hardware. Highly frustrating. Even worse, alt+tab are both of the interface buttons which bring up the leveling interface which ALSO locks all inputs so if I'm in the middle of a fight and have to quickly alt tab, even if I regain control of my mouse, sometimes I'm still input locked by the interface.

This could use both a bug fix, and interface redesign.