

New member
- Low health
- Low damage
- Low range
+ Highly evasive
+ Applies a DoT effect
+ Heals from DoT ticks and can overheal

Primary weapon: Flechette Carbine. Fires metal darts.


1: Hungry Mist (Active). Turn into a cloud of invisible mist for [0.5-2] seconds, enabling a quick escape or slipping behind enemy lines undetected. On passing through an enemy hero: become a visible blood-red cloud and leech health rapidly (damage falls off rapidly the longer you stay on a single target.)


2: Take My Breath Away (Active). Aerosolize an enemy hero's blood and suck it out of their breath, leeching a large amount of health. If the target is bleeding, immediately consume all bleed stacks to deal the remaining damage and leech 100% of the extra damage dealt. Very short range. Can overheal.


3: Bloodlust (Passive). Bleeding enemy heroes within 30 feet are outlined through walls. Leech a percentage of bleed inflicted on enemies as healing. Can overheal.

4: Children of the Night (Ultimate, channeled). Unleash a torrent of bloodthirsty bats in a cone, which temporarily obscure vision and leech health. Can overheal.

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I like this one quite a bit, but there's no hero's in the game right now that have innate passives, so maybe that isn't really their design direction

you could add that onto the passive, or make a special alt fire that afflicts bleed. might help tighten things up
I like this one quite a bit, but there's no hero's in the game right now that have innate passives, so maybe that isn't really their design direction

you could add that onto the passive, or make a special alt fire that afflicts bleed. might help tighten things up
You're correct - I put in the weapon description that it inflicts bleeding but it was the intention that you need to unlock the passive to do that. Edited OP to reflect that.