Sandbox Mode Never Loads, stuck in spectating state


New member
I saw a few other threads about bugs with spectating but none of them matched what happened here.

This was on a fresh start of the game. I was in a party of three and hit Play and put us into Sandbox mode. The other two members of the party loaded in but couldn't move, and I was stuck on the loading screen. They they left the sandbox, which brought us all back to the main menu. I clicked Play -> Play Deadlock and queued. We got a game, which they got into but again I was stuck loading. I pressed escape and saw my only option was "Leave Spectating" or resume. I hit "Leave Spectating", the game they were in said it was safe to abandon so they left.

We then tried to queue again and I got a notice I was banned for 30 min for abandoning a match. I never had an option to rejoin.