Rune Slinger Concept


Hero Concept: Rune Slinger
A destitute two bit crook that turned to learning runes with spray paint to accomplish his small time goals. He isn’t particularly skilled with them but what he is good at is lying. He’s fooled even the Patrons into giving him a shot at the big time.

Gun: Sawed Off Mosin Nagant
9 shots. Close-Medium Range. High damage. Low rate of fire.

Ability 1: Punctured Can (Active)
Throws a spray paint can that can explode in an area. This is flung out in front of him in a 8 m range without a targeting circle. While on the floor, shooting it will cause it to explode in an 8 m wide area. It will store damage for 2 seconds upon being shot and deal the bullet damage as spirit in the AOE. It lasts on the floor for 15 seconds if never shot. Damage conversion = Bullet damage / 5. Spirit will make the conversion better by 0.1. (4.9, 4.8, 4.7, etc) Enemies can shoot this too to try popping it prematurely but their damage will not be calculated. 30 second cooldown. Max damage 200.
  1. -12 second cooldown.
  2. Explosion applies a 10% slow.
  3. Throwing Range + 22 m.

Ability 2: Might Mark (Active)
Create a circled Rune on the floor that increases the damage of Rune Slinger and his team while within. Bullet Damage increase: 20%. This has a 55 second cooldown. Spirit increases size by 0.2 m. Must be on the ground to gain access to its benefits. 5 m wide. (Rune changes its symbol per level.)
  1. +15% Spirit Damage increase.
  2. -25 second cooldown.
  3. Increase bullet dropoff range by 30m while within Might Mark.

Ability 3: Life Vent (Active)
Select an enemy target. After 4 seconds, they will lose 30 health for every enemy hero around them in 7 m. The Heroes (Rune Slinger’s team) surrounding them will be healed by the total damage dealt after spirit resistance. Damage scales with spirit by 0.4. Has a cooldown of 30 seconds. Can only be cast at 3 range.
  1. +8m radius.
  2. +20 damage.
  3. Temporarily decreases max HP by damage done for 15 seconds.

Ultimate: Gravity Rune (Active)
Rune Slinger channels for 2.5 seconds while a 30 m radius large rune is being drawn around him. The Rune pulls everyone to the floor instantly where they cannot jump or fly for 3 seconds. If they were airborne, even just from a jump, they will be stunned for 1.5 seconds after being dragged down. This area of effect stays centered where Rune Slinger started the cast. 100 second cooldown. Inflicts 100 spirit damage. Spirit increases duration by 0.1 and damage by 0.9.
  1. +30 m Radius
  2. Restores 2 Stamina to all allies within the rune upon activation.
  3. If targets weren’t airborne upon activation, they are instead slowed for 3 seconds.

Rune Slinger is designed to make people really change their positioning in a 3 dimensional space while also setting up for unique combos and counters. Punctured Can allows allies to stack damage into one AOE and is even boosted by the damage that Might Mark would apply but it requires everyone to know where both the mark and can is which gives ample room for the enemies to exploit the positioning. Let's say the can is thrown first and then the rune is put up when in a better position. Then the enemy gets a chance to detonate it which in turn adds to their decision making process. They could just avoid the AOE altogether and go to where the mark is. Meanwhile, Life Vent can make certain heroes want to avoid fighting big clumps as it can benefit your team instead. It would be like a counter initiation on heroes who like to jump in given its small cast range.

Finally, Gravity Rune is meant to be powerful against certain strategies. In the way Singularity catches out people grouped together, this is designed to catch out people who strike from above specifically. The channel time prevents it from being a complete showstopper for characters like Vindicta or Lash but it would force them to act quickly. His gun is designed to have high damage to make the shots used in Punctured Can and Might Mark for impactful. I think it would be possible to do Punctured Can as just a standard Spirit explosion but I liked the idea of the Might Mark synergy especially with a team focusing on high bullet damage. I think it would be a difficult AOE to absorb while on the defense and force the players to position around it constantly if it was maxed first.