Rocket Launcher Based character


New member

so basically I've come up with this idea for a hero that woudl have some kind of vertical movement ability or high jumps. The gun could be some kind of a hand cannon or hand grenade launcher that would have small AoE on impact or similar to Yamato it would shoot like a normal gun on left click but it would have a grenade on right click that would cost more ammo. For the Ultimate ability it could literally change its weapon to ROCKET LAUNCHER for either limited amount of time of for a certain amount of shots, like it could have 6 shots and you either use them or cancel the weapon and go back to your usual weapon. It could also have something like a molotov on one of its abilities or a slowing grenade. As you could have guessed the theme of this hero would be explosives.

For TLDR; I would make it look like this
Gun - Pistol or Rifle with alternative fire that would be a grenade launcher
1 - Could be either the Molotov or some kind of a stun/slowing grenade
2 - Some kind of vertical mobility, either Jetpack, enhanced jumps or straight up something similar to Vindictas flight
3 - Some liberty here I guess (maybe passive)?
4 - Swap your main weapon to a Rocket Launcher for a limited amount of Shots or time, those wouldn't have to insane dmg but the damage would obviously be splash and AoE

I feel like the game as it is and with this beautiful map with a lot of buildings, rooftops and corners to hide and fly around could benefit from a Hero that coudl take full advantage of the map. Also Rocket Launchers and Grenades are obviously fun.

Thanks for reading, have a good day.