Ritualist - A different kind of shop to buy upgrades for your team *as a whole*

Basically upgrades that wouldn't really work as an item for the normal shop. For various reasons.

To not make buying those a suicide for your own strength, these upgrades would cost a different kind of currency (Let's call it a "Coin" for now). Those coins you, and everyone else in your team, would obtain when defeating guardians/walkers, killing the mid boss, or occasionally from the urn or strong camp. So if you get 1 coin, everyone else in your team also gets 1 coin that they can spend freely.

Every player can have only 1 upgrade activated at a time, and these can't stack... So that your team cannot go all in on Medical Assistance and get 6 troop medics in each wave. However you can fully refund your purchase, and pick a different upgrade... With a few minute cooldown on that to prevent rapid switching.

That also means that, out of this whole list, a team can only have up to 6 upgrades active at the same time.

I've tried not to focus on increasing the player's personal power, as we already have the standard shop for that. These upgrades are more to increase the goons' combat effectiveness, help you with your defense or provide some utility.

Troop Upgrades:

Medical Assistance - Increase your team's wave troop numbers by 1 Trooper Medic (The amount of souls the troop wave carries does not change)

Fighter Assistance - Increase your team's wave troop number by 2 Melee Troopers (The amount of souls the troop wave carries does not change)

Gunner Assistance - Increase your team's wave troop number by 2 Gunner Troopers (The amount of souls the troop wave carries does not change)

Superior Equipment - Increase the wave troop's damage and health.

Base Upgrades:

Field Medic - Being near Guardians, Walkers and the Patron now increases your health regen and grants Debuff Resis.

Additionally, fully heal and cleanse nearby friendly players if the Guardian/Walker has been killed.

Generous Offering - When the Guardians/Walker kills an enemy trooper, a portion of the souls is given to the nearby friendly players. (Grants you a % of the souls even if you did not land the last hit for some reason.)

Vengeance - If your Guardian/Walker has been destroyed, the enemy Guardian/Walker on that same lane will receive more damage and deal less. (Guardian for Guardian, Walker for Walker. Helps with comebacks.)

Additionally, create a delayed explosion upon death. If it kills anything; the souls it gains from that will be shared with everyone on the team.

Reflecting Beam - Guardian/Walker's beam attack can now ricochet to up to 2 enemies. (Trooper to trooper, or player to player. But it will never ricochet from a Trooper to Player)

Player Upgrades:

Soul Stitch- Decrease the respawn timer for your team by x% (Maybe somewhere around 20 to 30%. It depends on the dev's tastes.)

...IMO this should be the most expensive upgrade.

Zipline Grease - Increase the base speed of ziplines, and reduce everyone's cooldown of the speed boost.

Transport Investments - Opens up two one-way teleports in your base. These teleports connect to the two nearby teleporters inbetween the lanes, as shown on the picture below.

Bez nazwy.png

It's an old pic but it shows nicely where you would roughly go. This could open up flank and ambush routes if you're on the backfoot, or you can use them to cut the travel time.

Take great care because once you go in, you cannot return.
I like the idea, but it presents a real problem in that these, as presented, would become absolutely mandatory to have in every game. I think that any specific purchase that is functionally mandatory is a poorly implemented purchase (and I like to think that the logic behind that decision is sound).

That said, I wouldn't say no to having a special consumable slot that can activate some of these ideas temporarily.

For instance, Increasing the strength of your creep wave could be really handy for the specific wave, so having a consumable for 750-1250 souls that lets you really buff up a particular wave to make them stronger would be a useful pushing tool to help work to end a game (or struggle back to get a flex slot or something). Having a consumable (probably only 300-600 souls) that applies to a guardian/walker that applies a gradual healing aura to nearby players would also be really great for when an enemy is so unrelentingly aggressive that players are constantly forced under cover and can't even get trickle souls.

That said, these kinds of upgrades should only be temporary at most if they were to be implemented. Making them perpetual until 1 given player decides to change theirs doesn't feel like the right way to go to me.
Cool changes, also don't forget to add fog of war to chess and crafting to poker
adding new entire parts of the game with no way to really predict or counterplay is always going to be what fan ideas do, then a few years from now devs do something even more bullshit on paper that in practice ends up being fun like dota 2 after 2016 (talents, neutral items, agh shard, facets and innates)

i could one day see deadlock having a shop or some other system to upgrade lanes. imo i would want a way to make my own objective bosses to put lanes that were lost back into competition. or hell the team could collaboratively build a new walker or new guardian to defend a lost lane and buy everyone time.

lol you joke about fucking with chess and poker but those are good descriptions of two good games, 5d multiverse chess with time travel and balatro
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adding new entire parts of the game with no way to really predict or counterplay is always going to be what fan ideas do, then a few years from now devs do something even more bullshit on paper that in practice ends up being fun like dota 2 after 2016 (talents, neutral items, agh shard, facets and innates)

i could one day see deadlock having a shop or some other system to upgrade lanes. imo i would want a way to make my own objective bosses to put lanes that were lost back into competition. or hell the team could collaboratively build a new walker or new guardian to defend a lost lane and buy everyone time.

lol you joke about fucking with chess and poker but those are good descriptions of two good games, 5d multiverse chess with time travel and balatro
Facets, shards, innates and neutral items are absolutely not fun and destroyed the game.
>5d multiverse chess with time travel
Literally no one plays it, and will never play. Exactly because adding random things for the sake of change only makes games (everything) far worse. It wasn't exactly like this in dota, but there they just buffed everyone with all these changes so it made everyone more equal, which capped potential individual impact, made the game very deathbally, and blurred the line between different positions. But afaik they call the inability to do anything the "teamplay", so maybe that's what they want.