Revenant - Spirit Medium Hero


New member

Spirit mediums and other forms of supernatural belief were a big deal during the perceived setting of Deadlock (Early 20th century United States).
Deadlock also already uses themes of occultism, ritualism, and the supernatural having broken into their world, so I think a spirit/ghost medium hero would be a fitting addition!

Lore Thoughts
  • She was already the best medium around, but as the barrier between her world and that of the supernatural came down, her medium powers drastically grew beyond that of others
  • She can now communicate with and summon lesser spirits to fight for her or give her special abilities
  • Either fully commits to rustic/ritualist human aesthetic, or makes use of some new tech for stereotypical ghost-husting devices to help channel her abilities
  • I picture as female, but male obviously works just as well
Gameplay Thoughts
  • Unique interactions/abilities related to the creep souls
  • Generally, has abilities that make use of her sending out spirits to deal damage, inflicting psychic damage or psychological debuffs
    • Could also use her spirits to grant her buffs or abilities by combining with them, or sending them to allies for buffs
    • One idea is to briefly "possess" enemy heroes with a spirit for a debuff/stun, or alternatively possess allies to give them supernatural buffs
  • Her base weapon could be a crossbow or revolver of sorts, or she instead casts out lesser wisps as "magic" projectiles
    • Another idea is a ghostbusters-type weapon
    • I picture her more as an ability-focused character, since she wouldn't necessarily have great weapon skills

Visual Thoughts (Very roughly)

Here's some "moodboard" pictures I found to portray the general vibe I was going for, but obviously the hero would want to fit the Deadlock vibe better!

(No images are mine)

I'm not great at thinking up abilities and details, so if anyone else is interested in this sort of character, I'd love to hear your ideas! Thanks!